Kiwi Preservation
- Imap Crystal
Kiwi Preservation
IMAP Crystal® Benefits of Atmosphere Packs for Kiwi Preservation
- IMAP Crystal® Atmosphere packages create carbon dioxide and oxygen values that are optimal for kiwifruit, reducing the respiration rate of the fruit and slowing down the ripening process.
- IMAP Crystal® atmosfer paketleri %90-95 düzeyinde bir oransal nem değeri yaratarak ağırlık kaybını ve meyvenin büzüşmesini engeller.
- IMAP Crystal® atmospheric packs preserve the firmness of the fruit.
- IMAP Crystal® atmosphere packages prevent rotting caused by botrytis cinerea (gray mold), an important post-harvest pathogen.
- IMAP Crystal® atmosphere packs preserve the natural color of the fruit flesh.
Considerations for Long-term Kiwi Preservation
- Harvest the fruit when the water-soluble dry matter content is %6.5.
- Choose fruits that do not show injuries and bruises.
- Fruits favorable IMAP Crystal® put them in their packages.
- Cool to 0 °C as soon as possible.
- Seal the packages airtight.
- Store the fruit for 3-4 months.
- For storage periods exceeding 4 months, check fruit firmness every week and market the product if softening is observed.
Storage Conditions
- Kivi mümkün olduğunca 0 °C’ye yakın sıcaklıklarda ve %90-95 düzeyinde nem içeren ortamda muhafaza edilmelidir.
- It should also be ensured that the temperature is below 0 ºC. It is not easy to predict the freezing temperature of kiwifruit.
- A fruit harvested with a water soluble dry matter (WDSM) content of 6.5 percent has a freezing point close to 0.5 ºC at the base of the stem, where the WDSM content is lowest. Frost damage occurs as watery areas in the flesh and center of the fruit.
- Depolama süresince nişasta hidrolize edildiği için ve SÇKM miktarı %13’e çıktığı için donma noktası-1.5 ºC’ye kadar düşer. Ancak, bu durumda dahi daha düşük sıcaklılarda muhafaza önerilmez.